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WEB - Where Everyone Belongs

Middle School can be a very challenging time of life, as we are sure most of us remember. Because the move to middle school can be challenging and even a little frightening, 6th graders often experience lowered academic achievement and difficult social adjustments. More and more studies show that if students have a positive experience their first year in middle school, their chances for success increase dramatically. To help students be successful in this transition, Worthington McCord Middle School has implemented the national, evidenced-based program “Where Everyone Belongs”, or WEB.

What is WEB, you ask?
WEB is a middle school orientation and transition program that welcomes 6th graders and makes them feel comfortable throughout the first year of their middle school experience. Built on the belief that students can help students succeed, the program trains mentors from our 8th grade class to be WEB Leaders. As positive role models, WEB Leaders are mentors and student leaders who guide the 6th graders to discover what it takes to be successful during the transition to middle school. 6th graders receive support and guidance from 8th graders who have been through the challenges that middle school poses and understand that the transition to a larger school can sometimes be overwhelming.

WEB ORIENTATION 24-25 - 6th grade students - Wednesday August 7th, 8:30-11:30
Welcome to McCord! At McCord, we believe our campus is a place Where Everybody Belongs (WEB). The 6th Grade WEB Orientation is dedicated to helping incoming 6th graders make the transition from elementary to middle school! The McCord 6th Grade Orientation is a fun-filled time just for 6th grade students. By participating, incoming 6th graders will be able to meet other 6th grade students; become familiar with the McCord building and middle school expectations in a fun and engaging way. During the WEB Orientation, 6th graders will also have the opportunity to meet 8th grade WEB leaders who will continue to support them throughout the school year. We are looking forward to meeting you!



For 8th graders only - WEB Leader training days for 2024-25:

  • Monday 8/5, 8:30-11:30 am, 
  • Tuesday 8/6, 8:30-11:30 am
  • Wednesday 8/7, 7:45-12:00p